Comprehensive Puppy & Kitten
Health Care

Starting puppies and kittens off on a protective plan is very important for their long-term health and longevity. Park County Animal Hospital understands the unique needs of young pets and provides comprehensive health care as well as guidance for new pet owners.
Puppy & Kitten Health Visits
Young pets grow very quickly and small issues can become large problems if not caught early. Our veterinarian will examine your puppy or kitten every time he or she comes in and will check for any signs of illness or developing issues.
Park County Animal Hospital recommends your puppy or kitten comes to see the veterinarian as soon as you adopt him or her, whether or not the pet is due for vaccinations. Even young animals can carry diseases and parasites that can be transmitted to your other pets or humans in your family.
In addition to caring for your pet’s health, our staff and veterinarian can provide you with training tips and resources that will strengthen your relationship with your new family member.
Puppy & Kitten Vaccinations
Based on your puppy or kitten’s unique needs, at his or her first health checkup, we will develop a comprehensive wellness plan to guide you through ensuring your new pet is fully protected from the most common and dangerous diseases.
Parasite Prevention
All puppies and kittens are checked for intestinal worms and will be treated with a deworming medication plan.
Puppies at risk for heartworm will be started on preventive after May 1, as long as they are at least 12 weeks of age.
Spaying & Neutering
In addition to preventing unwanted litters and helping to control the pet population, spaying and neutering also have numerous associated health and behavioral benefits, including:
- Preventing reproductive cancers
- Stopping female heat cycles and behaviors
- Preventing male wandering in seek of females—wandering males are at significant risk of injury in traffic and encountering other animals
- Preventing territorial behaviors—Unneutered dogs and cats are more likely to urinate to mark territory and can be aggressive in protecting territory
Depending on the breed and size of your pet, we recommend spaying and neutering at about 5 months of age for dogs and about 4 months of age for cats.
If you have any questions about our puppy and kitten care services or about your new pet’s health needs, please feel free to contact Park County Animal Hospital.